Iftar conjoint des autorités locales et des étudiants de l'Université d'El Oued

Iftar conjoint des autorités locales et des étudiants de l'Université d'El Oued

      On April 12, 2023, the Directorate of University Services in El Oued organized a joint Iftar (fast-breaking meal) at the Saleh Hadda Residence for students from sister countries and female students of the university. The event was overseen by Mr. Said Akrouf, Wali (governor) of the wilaya (province), Mr. Farès Blabsi, Vice-President of the People’s Provincial Assembly, Professor Omar Ferhati, Rector of the University, and Mr. Djamal Guricha, Director of University Services.

    Also present were the Director of Mujahideen, the President of the Daïra (district) of El Oued, the Mayor of El Oued, officials of the wilaya, pedagogical and administrative staff of the university and university services, student organizations, and representatives of the media.

After the Iftar meal, Mr. Akrouf, the Rector of the University, and the accompanying delegation talked to the students in a warm Ramadan atmosphere. The media present at the event also recorded press statements with Mr. Akrouf, Mr. Blabsi, the Rector, and Mr. Guricha on the living conditions of the students and the role of the university and university services in ensuring pedagogical and residential conditions, which were described as “excellent” according to their statements and those of the students.


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