Clôture des formations des professeurs du deuxième semestre de l'année académique 2022/2023 à l'Université d'El Oued

Clôture des formations des professeurs du deuxième semestre de l'année académique 2022/2023 à l'Université d'El Oued

Within the framework of the strategic plan for digitization, the Director of the University of Shahid Hamou Lakhder, Professor Omar Farhati, supervised today, May 30, 2023, the closing of the training courses for professors at the University of El Oued, under the supervision of the Committee for the Establishment of Distance Learning, chaired by Dr. Djaalab Mohamed Salih, and supervised by Dr. Gharab Rahma, Dr. Haqa Laroussi, and Dr. Babouch Mohamed Larbi. The training was attended by a group of professors from different specializations. To date, 240 professors have been trained in various training workshops on distance learning.


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