Un atelier de formation sur la préparation du mémoire de fin d'études dans le cadre de la Résolution ministérielle n°1275

Un atelier de formation sur la préparation du mémoire de fin d'études dans le cadre de la Résolution ministérielle n°1275


The Business Incubator at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar El Oued organized a training workshop on preparing the graduation thesis within the framework of Ministerial Resolution No. 1275, on Monday, May 15, 2023, in Amphitheater C of the Faculty of Technology, under the supervision of the Director of the University’s Business Incubator, Dr. Farhat Mohamed Fouad.

The workshop was opened by the Deputy Dean of the College of Technology in charge of studies, Dr. Hariz Bakkar Al-Orabi, and the Director of the Business Incubator.

The students and supervising professors attending the workshop received explanations focused on the following points:

– Methodology for preparing the graduation thesis within the mechanisms of Ministerial Resolution No. 1275.

-How to register on the startup.dz platform for startups.

– How to register a project with the ONDA departments for small enterprises.

-Mechanisms of the process of incubating the websites of emerging and small enterprises registered in the incubator, where Engineer Faisal Haima, a principal engineer for automated media at the university, explained the technical side of the process and the requirements for incubating these websites.

Finally, a discussion session was held for the students and their supervisors to raise their concerns and questions, and they were answered by the incubator director. The session concluded with the hope of meeting in other training workshops that would contribute to the students’ completion of their projects.


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