Célébrer l'Aïd Al-Adha avec les étudiants internationaux

Célébrer l'Aïd Al-Adha avec les étudiants internationaux

According to the instructions of the Director General of the National Office for University Services, Mr. Faisal Henin.

And in following the recommendations of the Director of University Services, Mr. Djamel Guerricha.

The Moussaoui Mabrouk University Residence shared the joy of Eid al-Adha with the international students. The atmosphere was wonderful, with feelings of brotherhood, forgiveness and love.

In the presence of the Director of the Moussaoui Mabrouk University Residence, Saber Abdallah, who offered his congratulations on behalf of the Director of University Services and all the workers in the sector.

Congratulations to our international students on this Eid, and welcome always and forever to all international students in Algeria.


التعليقات معطلة.