Réunion de coordination sur l’ajustement des notes des étudiants dans le système Progress.

Réunion de coordination sur l’ajustement des notes des étudiants dans le système Progress.

This morning, on January 30, 2023, Professor Omar Ferhati, the Rector of the University of El Oued, chaired a coordination meeting regarding adjusting student grades in the Progress system. The meeting gathered the university’s Vice-Rectors for Pedagogy, External Relations, Development, and Foresight, as well as the Responsibles for Pedagogy from the faculties, Deputy Deans, and the central and sub-central network officials. The attendees proposed placing a questionnaire on the university’s website for students to express their opinions and the difficulties they encounter in the Progress system, accessible through the students’ engagement platform on the university’s website.

Source: https://www.univ-eloued.dz/re_not_et/



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