Cérémonie de la Journée Internationale des Mathématiques à la Faculté des Sciences Exactes de l'Université d'El Oued

Mathematics Inernational Day Ceremony at Exact Science Faculty at El Oued University.


The Faculty of Exact Sciences at the University of El-Oued, in coordination with the El Khawrizmia Association, the Mathematics Department, and the Mathematics Laboratory, commemorated the World Mathematics Day on March 14th of each year by organizing a scientific celebration held in the small lecture hall named after thejournalist El Eid Bessi, under the supervision of the Dean of the Faculty, Professor Abdelwahab Mansour.


On this occasion, the faculty arranged several lectures in the field of mathematics delivered by professors, along with an exhibition showcasing some mathematical games. The scientific celebration was attended by the University Rector, Professor Omar Ferhati, his Vice-Rector Pr. El-Habib Guedda, the Deputy Director for Studies Dr. Bashir Manai, as well as the Head of the Mathematics Department, Dr. Beloul El-Saeed, the Head of the Chemistry Department, Dr. Jamal Attia, the Head of the Physics Department, Dr. Mourad Maimouni, Mr. Abdel Lawi, the President of the El Khawarzmia Association, and professors, Ph.D students, and students from mathematics department.


The celebration began with the recitation of Quran verses followed by the national anthem. Then, the Dean of the Faculty of Exact Sciences delivered a welcoming speech, thanking the attendees for accepting the invitation and wishing them success in their academic and research careers. Subsequently, a talk speech provided by professors and students. At the end of the celebration, the rector of the University, along with his deans, and administrations representatives, presented awards to distinguished professors and honored student Ahmed Sami Haouamdi, who won first place in the international Mental Arithmetic Soroban Competition recently held in the Arab Republic of Egypt.



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