Premier au Pays en Sciences Politiques Projet d'une Plateforme de Protection et de Relance du Patrimoine National dans le cadre de la Décision 1275 à l'Université d'El Oued

First in the Country in Political Science

Project of a Platform for the Protection and Revival of National Heritage within the Framework of Decision 1275 at the University of El Oued

On Wednesday morning, June 7, 2023, at 9:00 a.m., at the Faculty of Law and Political Science, the following gentlemen: the Vice-Rector for Pedagogy, the Vice-Rector for Scientific Research, the Vice-Rector for External Relations, and the Dean of the Faculty, supervised the activities of the discussion of a Master’s thesis – Start-up Company, which falls within the framework of Ministerial Decision No. 1275, by the student Sabrina Boulif in the Department of Political Science, specializing in Public Policy.

In her project, the student addressed the policy of reviving and revitalizing Algerian heritage and promoting it in order to protect it and how to market it. The صاحب المشروع was able to create a digital platform that embodies her idea and puts it into practice.

The Director of the Entrepreneurship House, Professor Dr. Mufid Abdel-Latif, praised the student’s achievement and her commitment, as well as her constant presence and communication with the House and with the Business Incubator, which contributed significantly to the completion of the platform and the training of students enrolled in Decision 1275.

It is worth noting that the discussion was greatly enriched by the discussing professors, and the representative of the economic partner, Mr. Osama Qamari from the Chamber of Traditional Industry and Crafts in El Oued, expressed his admiration for the idea of the project and praised the efforts of the student. He highlighted the strengths of the idea and considered it a precedent in the field of digitizing the traditional industry sector, which is what the sector seeks. He promised to work to implement the idea and submit recommendations to the relevant ministry to sponsor this achievement.

The discussion was attended by the Head of the Department of Political Science, a group of professors and students, and the thesis was awarded a grade of excellence for this work.


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