Campagne de sensibilisation en résidence universitaire pour filles sur les risques d'étouffement avec le gaz monocarbone

Campagne de sensibilisation en résidence universitaire pour filles sur les risques d'étouffement avec le gaz monocarbone

Office of EL OUED
In the framework of the sensitization campaign on the dangers of choking with single-carbon gas co, the Valley Office conducted a sensitization campaign at the university residency of girls Soufia Al-Bachir in which each representative of the Sonelgas Foundation, a representative of Civil Protection and a representative of Directorate of Trade and Director of Ariam Alabadi & Profadi
Where all important recommendations have been addressed to avoid the risk of asphyxiation in addition to supporting the recommendations with folders so that the benefit can become widespread
All greetings and appreciation University Director Soufia Al-Bachir Mr. Manai seifeddin for his welcome and generosity in our hospitality and to provide all possibilities for the success of this activity wishing him all the best.



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