The President of the National Committee for the Research visibility and the Impact on University Rankings of Higher Education Institutions at the University of El Oued for an academic visit. 4.3.4 Educational outreach activities beyond campus, 9.1.1 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure: publications, 9.3.1 Number of university spin offs
The Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the University of El Oued celebrates its First ranked students. 4.3.2 Events at university that are open to the general public, 4.3.3 Educational events at university that are open to the general public, 4.3.4 Educational outreach activities beyond campus, 4.3.5 Policies that ensures that activities is accessible to all
Eloued university invites Eloued University receives Polish Researchers in Erasmus+ an International Exchange Mobility Program.researchers in Erasmus+ an International Exchange Mobility Program. 17.2.4 Reviewing comparative approaches and develop international best practice on tackling the SDGs, 4.3.1 Access to educational resources, 4.3.2 Events at university that are open to the general public, 4.3.3 Educational events at university that are open to the general public, 4.3.4 Educational outreach activities beyond campus, Uncategorized