Rector of El Oued’s University heads a delegation to visit the State University of World Languages in Uzbekistan
Professor Omar Frahati, Rector of the University of El Oued, began a scientific visit to the State University of World Languages in Uzbekistan. This visit is part of the implementation of the twinning agreement signed between the University of El Oued and the State University of World Languages.
The Rector was accompanied by Professor Habib Guedda, Vice-Rector for External Relations and Cooperation, and Dr. Chaouki Mdellel, Secretary General of the University.
In the first stop of the visit, the Rector and his accompanying delegation held a working session at the Faculty of Translation of the University. They met with the faculty staff, a group of professors, students, and received a detailed explanation of the academic and research work of the faculty.
The Rector of the University gave a full presentation on the scientific qualifications of the University of El Oued and the importance and effectiveness of the twinning relationship between the University of El Oued and the State University of World Languages for the benefit of our students and the advancement of their scientific, research and cultural knowledge. This is in line with the call of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor Kamel Baddari, for twinning to be an important factor in the advancement of knowledge, research, and culture that serves our students in their different scientific fields. This is what the University of El Oued embodies.
The Vice-Rector for External Relations also gave a presentation on the University of El Oued as a university that attracts international students, as well as on the many economic, cultural, and tourist attractions of the city of El Oued.
The discussion was then opened to provide all the clarifications and answers to the questions raised by the Dean of the Faculty, the professors, and the students, especially with regard to the exchange of students and professors and participation in publications and journals.
The Rector and his accompanying delegation toured the different departments of the Faculty, especially the Department of Arabic Language and the Library, and visited the book exhibition for different languages.
