The Ministerial Committee for the Follow-up of Horizontal Subjects Teaching Commends the Excellence of El Oued University

The Ministerial Committee for the Follow-up of Horizontal Subjects Teaching Commends the Excellence of El Oued University

On April 30, 2023, Professor Bashir Mennai, Vice-Rector of the University of El Oued, chaired a meeting with the national ministerial committee responsible for evaluating the distance learning process in horizontal subjects using video conferencing technology. The meeting took place in the meeting room of the central administration.

The meeting was attended by the head of the committee for the formation and follow-up of distance learning in horizontal subjects, the vice-deans in charge of pedagogy, the coordinators of the faculties and follow-up units, the Moodle platform manager, and professors participating in the intensive courses and their follow-up.

Mr. Vice-Rector for Pedagogy gave a detailed presentation on the progress of the teaching and follow-up process and the achievements made in this field. The ministerial committee then asked a number of questions related to the scientific and research aspects of the subject. The questions were answered by the participants in the meeting.


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