The Rector of the University of El Oued inspects the training workshops for the teachers involved in the horizontal subject training on the Moodle platform.
The Rector of the University of El Oued, Professor Omar Ferhati, accompanied by the vice-rector of external relations, Professor Guedda El-Habib, conducted an inspection visit to the training workshop for teachers involved in teaching horizontal subjects organized by the local committee for distance learning chaired by Dr. Jaalab Mohamed Salah. The workshop was presented by Dr. Lanez ElHafnaoui and Dr. Tijani Mahni. The committee chair presented an overview of the training workshops and their objectives to the university rector. The rector commended the quality of the training and emphasized its importance for participating teachers. He thanked them for their commitment and seriousness in attending and benefiting from these training sessions to ensure the success of distance education for horizontal subjects.