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2023 年 2 月 14 日

عرض لمنح دراسية الى الجمهورية المجرية لفئة طلبة الماستر للتخصصات الهندسة الفلاحية وبيوتكنولوجي  The Scholarship announced by FAO-Hungary’s government to master’s degree students (Agriculture Engineering and Biotechnology) : Required documents   The application form is attached to the advertisement-    CV-    Copy of high school certificate-    Copy of bachelor’s diploma-   Copy of the passport-     Letter of recommendation-     English certificate level (minimum B2)-    Motivation Letter-     Health Certificate issued by Medical Doctor-  Certificate of good conduct issued by the local police authority-   For more details please visit the following link: https://www.fao.org/europe/events/detail-events/en/c/1628534/   ترسل الملفات عبر البريد التالي: [email protected] آخر أجل للتسجيل …