显示 53-56 的 114 结果


2023 年 9 月 2 日

加齐土耳其流动性至加齐大学奖学金。土耳其 Eloued 大学宣布在交流流动框架(Erasmus+ KA 171 计划)的框架内向土耳其 GAZI 大学(学术/培训人员)发出申请。申请涵盖以下专业: -英语 -法语 必填文件 1-简历 2-护照复印件 3-教学内容(针对教师) 4-英语证书水平(最低 B2) 5-动机信 注册链接:https://forms.gle/xNpG2K7t72afveqK6 截止日期:2023 年 9 月 10 日。          

为博士生提供在塞尔维亚克拉沃瓦茨大学学习一个学期(从 2023 年 10 月开始)的 Erasmus Plus 奖学金

2023 年 7 月 6 日

منحة ايراسموس بلاس لدراسة فصل دراسي ( بداية من اكتوبر 2023) من الجامعة الصربية كراڨوفاتش لطلبة الدكتوراه   A scholarship to study a semester ( winter semester ) at the University of Kraguejevac, Kragujevac Serbia under Erasmus KA107 for PhD students    The application was announced by the University of Kragujevac (Serbia) to Algerian Universities under Erasmus KA 107 Programme and fully funded by the European Union   The courses offered are : Mechanical Engineering Military Industrial Engineering Urban Engineering Computer Engineering and Software Engineering Environmental Engineering Philology (language and literature) For more details please visit the following link – Registration …

向泰国共和国 (TICA) 提供奖学金,用于多个专业的第三年培训

2023 年 6 月 20 日

عرض لمنح دراسية الى الجمهورية التايلاندية(TICA) للتكوين في الطور الثالث في العديد من التخصصات     The application was announced by Thailand Government :The courses offered are Philosophy of the Economy of sufficiency (SEP), Climate change and Environment, Agriculture and Food Security, Public health, Economic model Bio-circular Green (BCG) :For more details please visit the following link- https://tica-thaigov.mfa.go.th/ – Registration link on Google Form: https://forms.gle/Ft6swBZsav5wpxTK6 -Deadline is:July,10 th,2023   Annexe1_Application_Form_for_TIPP Annexe2_Guide_de_candidature_2023 2023 TIPP COURSES APPLICATION FORM for thailand International Postgraduate programme (TIPP) program (1) program (2) program (3) program (4) program (5) program (6) program (7) program (8) program (9) program (10) program (11) …